Sunday, December 18, 2011

Random Enviros

 Random rendering of some thumbnails/compositions

Quick update just to throw something up here, been busy with random stuff lately, will do another post next week after Christmas =)

Happy Holidays!

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Life paintings and Dark Souls

2.5 hour sessions.
Trying to get faster mixing the right colours and the block-ins. Always run
out of time for finishing touches for darks and highlights at the end.

Played Dark Souls last month, it's not without problems but wow, such a good game, great improvements over the first game in most areas. No two boss fights are the same; the subtle and non blatant story suggestions adds to the atmosphere so much. The last third of the game feels rushed though and it basically had no ending, but overall probably my favourite game this far.

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Dat Beta

 The Bone Collector
Random design done after work again, so hard to do personal stuff after painting for the whole day, I will try harder, more pictures in next update =) Partly inspired by Dota2, D3, and my friends always talking about LoL. So I tried making a random hero hehe.

Didn't get into the Diablo3 beta but watching 1080p streams of it is just as fun haha. The game looks amazing so far, the art direction is pretty crazy! Almost 100% sure I'm going to play a Witch Doctor, those masks and the animations..

I also started listening to the Shannara audiobooks. The first book, The Sword of Shannara is really really similar to LotR, down to very fine details. Lets see how the second book goes..stay tuned..

Oh and our company is shipping Xmen Destiny later this month with Activision so check it out if you are interested.

This concludes the nerdiest post I've done haha..probably.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

The screenshots..

from The Hunger Games movie released so far does not look too promising =<, the casting seems so different from what I imagined from the books to be.
(pics from RT

Not too much stuff I can upload this time, so much stuff I wanna draw, so little time...and stamina haha. Need to go to some life drawing pretty bad, sketches pretty ridged from just doing work related art.

Monday, June 13, 2011

Sketch Dump

Super late sketch dump haha, never had a chance to scan anything. Saw Kung Fu Panda 2, crazy art direction!

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Glamorous Sky

Quick update, even though school is officially over, it's still crazy busy haha. So many things I want(and need) to do! I'll try to scan some sketchbook stuff soon.

Saturday, April 30, 2011

Seedling layouts

Some layouts from my film: Seedling
Thanks so much for all the feedback! there were so many awesome films this year, Looking back at my film now and looking at the other films, man there are so many things I would have done differently, definitly a huge learning experience.

And congrats to everyone graduating this year from Sheridan!


Thanks to Richy, Jean, and Elaine for helping me with this film and thanks to Riho for the awesome music! (I still need to re-export the film, the music is quiet haha)

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Mages are not Overpowered anymore

 Seedling Image

Wow, it's been a while, no update on this thing for 2 months.

Been in production on my film Seedling, I'll post more details and images about it in another post later on, but needless to say it has been a pretty big project and I'm putting the finishing touches on it now. I've learned a lot over the past few months, from so many different sources, I can't wait to apply those to my work. Time flew by this year and now that school is almost done, it's time to look for a job to start paying those bills haha.

I've been playing Dragonage2 whenever I got a bit of free time during production and beat it today, awesome game, I like the change in direction in this second game =)
Also picked up Tangled on bluray, amazing movie, overwhelmingly beautiful. The only thing about the release is that the extra features on the disk seems kinda lacking haha.

Anyways, more updates on the film and other pieces soon!

Wednesday, January 26, 2011


Now it is all film all the time, need to start finishing these layouts and rough animation.
random sketchbook page

btw if any first or second years at Sheridan want to help me with the film, email me haha.